Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WFMW - Using a Teachers planner for projects.

Sounds simple. But it was an absolute life saver for me as I have ADD.*

I ran across this idea in a book (and as soon as I remember which book I am going to give credit where credit is due- plus it is a fantastic book for anyone who is a student, kids and college age, that needs help with organizing)and it has helped SO many times.

I have a fancy planner from Mom Agendathat I LOVE and use daily, BUT I needed a something just for my college work and projects in school. All of the pre-made assignment books seem to be lacking greatly. I just couldn't seem to keep my life all "together".

The book suggested a teachers curriculum planner. They come with Blocks for different subjects and they are not dated. Just blocks in 2-page per week form. Then you can use each block for a separate assignment and list the days of the week at the top. That way if you have a project due on Friday, it can be broken down through out the week in to easier steps, AND you can also see what needs to be done in all your other classes/areas on the same page. It's also easier if you write the different subjects in their own color of ink.

*I didn't want to admit it, but I have adult ADD. Yes, I had it as a child, but was not officially diagnosed until I went to a counselor because I thought I was losing it, not being able to keep up like other adults and moms could. I had trouble with everything, remembering to pay the bills, remembering to bathe my kids etc. etc. I thought I was just immature and lazy. Things just slipped by me that other moms "got." Anyway, I know some people don't beleve in ADD and its conterversal, but behavior modification worked great for me and whether its real/not real or I am just crazy/lazy or looking for mind altering drugs is not open for discussion. Thankyouverymuch!


Anonymous said...

I just purchased and am using the new WeekDate planner. It's great because I only have to write my weekly teaching schedule once in the "Weeklies" area. It goes to show that it's never too late to get organized. I'm not sure what stores they are in... I bought mine online from WeekDate.