Saturday, April 19, 2008

C'mon on in, My House is Always a Mess...

Ever notice that know seems to visit when the house is clean? I try to keep my company ready, but some weeks, months days it goes a little out of control. That is when someone new visits.

Obviously, it does not matter to Hubs that his friends see the day old dishes in the sink and the shredded paper the dog attacked. Or the pile of dirty clothes my little exhibitishonist (Thing2) dropped all over the house at random. Or the peanut butter sandwich that the dog also attacked when I wasn't looking. Farking dogs...

Long ago I would often make excuses " Oh, we have been sick" " Please excuse the mess, a random tornado fell out of the sky 10 minutes before you got here and we are so lucky to have all four walls and the roof still left. I think it entered and exited through the window and was only 7 foot high... thank goodness it got none of the other neighbors." Or my personal favorite, " A mask man just came and trashed the place, but didn't take anything." ( this is cause we have nothing of real value that the kids or dogs have not distroyed. hehe)

Now, not so much. I have no excuses. I will just tell them " I have two kids, two dogs, Hubs, School, carpooling, Girl Scouts, Grandparents to take care of. I am tired and busy and lazy. You might have to clean off a place to sit, but your unlikey to catch an illness. If your shoe sticks to the floor, let me know and I will windex you loose."

Yesterday I let the house and homework and everything else ( except the have to's like dinner and peeing) go. I needed a break, I was exhausted and pms-ing and I just didn't care. Besides we hardly have anyone vist except my mom and I learned my housekeeping skills from her. She doesn't judge. This morning, Hubs friend shows up. I don't care though, cause I don't like him anyway.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you aren't talking about my house? I cracked up reading your list of excuses that you used to give people and the part about windexing the foot loose. Great stuff!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

We all need a break now and again... unfortunately for me I think mine has gone into overture.

As I've always said come to visit - not to judge. Otherwise, please don't let the door hit ya, when you see yourself out.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Good for yoU! :-)

jpandtheboys said...

ohhh.. i love it. I think we are all in the same boat. :)

Susana la Banana said...

Hi...found you through Bloggy Giveaways and just had to say...I love the "windex you loose" comment. My house is always such a mess and I am just getting used to it and learning to stop the constant excuses. So thanks for the laugh! =)